Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Idol Top 4: You Wanna Be On Top?

Randy Jackson is waging a war against reason, judgment, and Paula Abdul's position as least useful judge on American Idol. He is single-handedly ruining my viewing of this show by using his reputation (as an accurate appraiser of singing talent) to pimp whatever contestant the producers tell him to pimp. Most important of all, he has, in what is truly the biggest 180 I have ever done with an idol contestant, made me root for Syesha Mercado. Let me say that again. Randy Jackson has turned me into a fan of the utterly insufferable, delusional, and #1 Syesha Mercado fan: Syesha Mercado.

With that in mind it is Ms. Mercado gets the spotlight tonight (at least on this blog). I used Tyra Banks' tag line from Top Model as the title of this post because I feel that Syesha is on the wrong reality television program. Seriously, anyone who says things like, "I can't wait to meet aaaaaalllll my faaaans", and "She was the only person who really understood me", needs some Tyra lovin' pronto. She's just the type of neurotic, awkward, insane contestant (you know, the kind that compares their path on AI to the fucking civil rights movement) that Tyra so craves to nourish. So how has this girl become my favorite Idol contestant?

It's really two-fold. 1) Syesha has been the best contestant on stage for the past three weeks. I'm being serious! Starting with Andrew Lloyd Webber she has been consistently great. Particularly tonight, she poured her heart out on that stage when she sang "A Change is Gonna Come". It was the first time I actually felt like I saw a real person. It was so strong I even forgave her for, I have to bring this up again, comparing her Idol journey to the plight of southern blacks in the late 1960's. And then 2) The judges insist on down-playing her performances because they are obsessed with an All-David-Finale. This biggest culprit is Randy Jackson who either tells Syesha was fine, or ok, when she was in fact great, or tells her she was bad when she was great. If I have to listen to another "molten hot lava bomb" comment from Randy, after a laaaaaame little David performance I'm going to scream. So maybe it's more a hatred for Randy and this little David pimping, but I'm pulling for Syesha to make it to the finals (even though I know she won't...)

In regards to the other contestants I will say: Jason Castro was hilariously awful, David A was boring, and David C well...I worry about him tomorrow night. Don't get me wrong he sang very well. He just didn't do anything special with his songs. He's set such a high bar, changing songs around and really being as much as an artist you can be on Idol, that I worry his fans might not vote for him because he was good, or vote for him because they feel he's in trouble.

So I say a bottom 2 of Jason and David C tomorrow with a shocking exit of Mr. Cook. Of course, if Randy has his way, we'll just eliminate everyone except David Archuletta and he can just put on concerts for the next 2 weeks.

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