Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Idol Countdown: #3-1

Well, this is it! The three best performances in Idol history. This will be a pretty short post, as I will soon be blogging about my thoughts on the first live semi-final round of Season 8 (SPOILER ALERT! almost everyone sucked). So let's get to it!

#3: Clay Aiken - Bridge Over Troubled Water

Oh, The Gayken. I have to admit that I loved/HATED Clay throughout season 2. He was so saccharine, and cheesy, and obviously-closeted-homosexual-in-denialy; but that voice! This performance is great. Clay actually managed to rein in his gayface (kinda), and I don't think he sang a single note out of tune. On this night, I must admit, I LOVED/hated him.

#2: Jennifer Hudson - Weekend in New England

Fun fact: Jenifer Hudson is one of only four people to win an Oscar for acting, and a Grammy for singing. One of four people EVER in the history of those awards. Also, I am obsessed with her.

But let's talk about this performance. The only time I was ever awed during an idol performance comes at the 50 second mark of this song when Jennifer riffs the fiercest holleration that has ever graced the idol stage. This performance also features some sweet soulful notes at the beginning, a crazy-good glory note finish, and the fact that it makes you forget she singing freakin' Weekend in New England. Seriously, if you wanna know the talent it takes to make this song, soulful, powerful, and exciting, go listen to the Barry Manilow version. You'll see what I mean.

Yeah, having her at #2 might be a little biased on my part, although I hold that J-Hud is the single best singer EVER on this show. She's really this high on the countdown because I am obsessed with her, and because I'm still pissed that she actually got kicked off the show the night after this performance. I will never forgive you America. Never.

#1: Fantasia - Believe

Let's get one thing out of the way right up front. This song SUCKS. Really. Hard. That is why I think this, and not "Summertime", is Fantasia's best performance. She takes an awful song, and makes it an emotional gospel-ballad. Also, she's probably the most natural performer in the shows history. Nothing she does on stage looks forced, and she actually looks like she's feeling everything she sings. It's not an act. She might not be the most successful Idol ever, but she's probably the best contestant that show will ever have.

So there's my completely scientific and indisputable countdown of idol dominance. Here's to a great (or at least hilariously awful) new season!

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